Sunday, January 18, 2009

The beginning...

So I decided this year that I was going to actually make New Year's Resolutions...hahaha.I thought for several weeks on what they were actually going to be. And in a fit of insanity, I came up with the following:

1)To be my relationships, work, friends, etc. To overall be a more optimistic person :-) (See working on it already)

2)To worry less-goes hand in hand with numero uno...I am my mother's child-I worry-not a little, a lot. You may ask-about what? Anything and everything. So I trying to "go with the flow" a bit more.

3)To go skydiving-something my aunt and I were supposed to do but seeing as how she has 5 children now and absolutely no time, I think this will be one I definitely get done. I promise you that they will have to push my butt out of the plane, but I will go do it.

4)To be healthier-eating, working out, overall...

5)The insane one (or so I have been told): to run a marathon. I am keeping it realistic though...I want to start with a half marathon. Still 13 miles.

So that gets me to where I am now. Almost 3 weeks into the thick of things. After telling my friends and family members, and hearing a lot of encouragement, I decided to stick with my aforementioned craziness.

I searched online and found a program that was in my eyes "do-able." I had to look at what I honestly thought I could do. I have been working out since October almost 3 days a week and would call my self physically fit. Now I have learned that fit does not mean able to run for a long period of time. The program I chose was one that is 26 weeks long (for a full marathon) and 16 weeks long for a half. So the reason I chose this one was due to the build up it does. It starts with running/walking 20 min 1st week, 25 min 2nd week, 30 min 3rd week, etc...

So I run/walk Monday, Wed, Thurs, and Saturday. Right now I can only run for about 10 minutes straight and then I have to walk a minute and so on and so on...

I have to really work at slowing down my pace. I used to run the 1600 m (mile) in track and although that was considered long distance you still sprint the entire thing. So I have to tell myself to slow down all the time.

Anyhow, I suppose that is enough background at the moment. As far as progress I have made, it seems really minimal. But I guess it is there. I can run farther than I could at the very beginning without stopping. Although I still seem to be having problems with my breathing. The only reason I have to stop and walk is because I can't catch my breath.

So for the last 2 and half -3 weeks I have pretty much stayed on track with a couple of rearranging days around due to weather. Not a ton of soreness yet but was getting shin splints for a while-started to run on the grass as much as possible and I think that is what was causing it.

Well I think that is enough for today-will post more later.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good plan for 2009! Deciding to run a marathon when you haven't run one before is a big decision. Good Luck with the training and I hope you stay injury free. As long as you increase slowly, that should help.

    Have you decided on which marathon or half marathon to run yet? I am interested to hear what you choose.
